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Bromeliad- Medium - GB


Bromeliads are a fun tropical plant with many varieties. Bromeliads also come in a variety of colors.

Bromeliads are adapted to withstand drought but are much less tolerant of being over-watered which can cause root rot. It is important that your bromeliad is planted in a medium that allows for fast drainage.  Each time you water the potting medium, thoroughly soak it so that the water runs from the drainage holes and then empty the saucer.                                                                                                                               

Many bromeliads also have a tank. This is the part of the plant where the leaves meet together and form what looks like a cup. Bromeliads also take in water through their central tank. Fill the tank with water, preferably rainwater, and be sure to flush it regularly to prevent water stagnation.

For the most part, bromeliads thrive in bright, sunny spaces, a south-facing window is ideal.

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Bromeliad- Medium - GB
